Looking for a Realtor in Rockford Minnesota who knows the area? Derrick Monroe with Lakes Area Realty & The Derrick Monroe Group are the team who knows the area better than anyone. With hundreds of Rockford homes sold and two plus decades of living in Rockford we know the area well and can save you money with our proven track record.
When you search “Realtor in Rockford Minnesota” on many sites like Yahoo, Trulia and Zillow they show you the “pro’s”, or do they – fact is most of those top positions are just filled with agents paying to be high on the search results and most have never sold a property in Rockford MN. The Derrick Monroe Group is located right in Rockford at 8010 HWY 55 and all of our agents are local.
If you’re searching for a Realtor in Rockford to sell your home or find a new one give our team a call today at 612-282-7653.
Learn more about our Realtor in Rockford:
Derrick 612-282-7653