OK, I have had this Palm Pre for 6 days now and there are some bugs. With any new product I would not expect anything less so not complaining to simply complain here.
For those of you that know me I am a Blackberry user and have been for years but really wanted to upgrade my browser and the Palm Pre seemed to be the way to go as I could still have my “real” keyboard unlike the iPhone.
I wrote a previous Palm Pre blog and this one is going to focus more on the Bad & Ugly of the Pre from my standpoint with 6 days of use so don’t look for anything good on this post although it has many great points.
The Palm Pre signal strength: It Sucks, sorry to be so harsh but it does. My Blackberry Curve sitting right next to it has full power and the Pre bounces from 0 bars to roam to full power and to roam again. No matter how many apps and features a phone has it still needs to be a phone. I find myself getting up and walking near a window now to use the darn thing.
I see on-line and in some Palm forums that Palm knows of the issue and is working on a OTA fix, lets hope so as my 30 day trial is passing by.
The Palm Pre battery life: Sucks again, sorry Palm. I am sure it has a ton to do with signal strength and roaming all the time etc but the battery is nearly dead by 4 PM and if I use it have even sooner. Not good.
Overall rating in 6 days: 5/6 but I would say 8 1/2 if the battery and phone part actually worked.
Come on Palm, you have a great phone but from what I see on-line and from my own experience if you don’t get out a OTA fix for this reception problem you may see more Palms come back in about 24 days. For now I will keep my Blackberry on stand-by and see what palm does over the next 2-3 weeks, if they can fix this major problem it’s a great device, if not it’s a great paperweight.