The town-hall meeting has come and gone so what happened at the grocery store meeting that you should know? First and foremost, the turn out was AWESOME! Rockford residents really came together and not only showed up to listen but more importantly asked great questions. What was set up to be a twenty minute Q & A went for well over an hour and it really looks like the town supports the idea of a co-op in Rockford. Some of the more common questions asked were: What will the cost be and how often is it due? 1. The cost should be about $200 and its a one time fee, pay once belong forever its just that simple:-) Where will it be located? 2. There are a few options available within the city and the best location will be determined through a feasibility study based on location, cost of build or improvements, traffic, community feedback etc. Will it carry only organic foods or? 3. No, the idea for this store is to bring a conventional type grocery store to Rockford along with an infusion of organic choices and local farm grown proteins and produce. We want this tore to carry all your needs and be as universal as possible. The great thing is you as the community and members can help decide exactly what we carry. By becoming a member you will have a voice on everything so please consider joining the Rockford co-op and you can learn more by e-mailing us at Now that the community has shown so much support for the Rockford grocery the steering committee is taking the next steps so stay tuned……. –