Recently the water bills for Rockford residents soared, in fact even channel 4 news did a piece on it you can see here. After the news aired the Rockford city Facebook page lit up with comments, concerns, questions and the city replied by offering an immediate town meeting which was held at the Rockford fire department on Sept 4th 2014. Over a hundred people attended and voiced their concerns about the newly increased rates as the city officials listened, took notes and answered questions.
Since the town meeting there have been some changes in the utility rates for Rockford and some great new ideas to lessen the water bills for homeowners.
Water & Wastewater Changes 9/15/14
- Property owners will have the ability to choose between having wastewater bills averaged based upon winter water use and being billed wastewater based upon their monthly water gallons used. Properties have been preliminarily assigned to a billing method based upon which method produced the lower utility bill on the August billing. Property owners may contact City Hall to change their billing method at any time prior to December 31, 2014 of this year, and may change their billing method during the month of December every year moving forward.
- Retroactive to the August 2014 utility bills and moving forward, there will be a base fee of $4.95 each for the water and wastewater Utilities.
- Also retroactive to the August 2014 utility bills and moving forward, the water rate will be set at $4.54 per 1,000 gallons and the wastewater rate will be set at $5.40 per 1,000 gallons used.
- As of January 1, 2015, the wastewater rate will increase to $6.45 per 1,000 gallons used.
One thing I’ve always loved about living and working in Rockford myself is the small town atmosphere. Allowing things like town meetings and the city officials attending, listening and working with its residents. Rockford is a great place to live for sure. If you still have any questions about your water bill the city can be reached at 763-477-6565.