Searching for a mobile/manufactured home Realtor in the Rockford area? Our Rockford based real estate office has been selling properties of all types for well over a decade but we never offered any type of mobile home or manufactured home sales until now. The Derrick Monroe Group of Realtors now offers mobile home and manufactured home sales. We are excited about this new venture and look forward to using our extensive marketing and home staging techniques that have allowed us to sell hundreds of homes and bring it to the mobile home parks such as Rockford River-view Estates, Tower Terrace in Rockford MN and the Buffalo MN parks to name just a couple. We utilized the services of a great local web designer from to help us build our mobile home web site which is now up and running. also has many detailed pages including common questions about selling a mobile or manufactured home as well as financing and other useful tools. If you live in the western suburbs and want to buy a mobile/manufactured home or have one to sell give one of our Mobile/Manufactured home Realtors a call at 612-282-7653 (SOLD) today.