Minneapolis real estate is a great investment in today’s market. Some Minneapolis neighborhoods have home values well in the range of first time home buyers who may have been otherwise unable to afford a Minneapolis home just 1 or 2 years ago. You can search Minneapolis MLS listed homes here and even be specific about the style, price range, bedroom count and more on this Minneapolis real estate search.
If you are a first time home buyer looking to take that leap into homeownership in the Minneapolis area don’t wait any longer, Minneapolis homes for sale range from $25,000 for some fixer upper and re-hab homes to as low as the $60,000 for some move in ready Minneapolis homes that would be cheaper than rent in most cases!
Call us, a Minneapolis Realtor at 612-282-7653 about your Minneapolis real estate search and we will be glad to help.
Minneapolis has typically experienced a 5% increase yearly and with gas prices, low interest rates it surely will hold it’s own in the future, call us today.