Home values in Rockford MN are definitely looking up as of 6/13/13. The latest statistics on home values in Rockford MN put out by the Minneapolis Board of Realtors shows a YTD growth of 32.1% in the median sale price and 21.5% in the average sale price from $162,293 in 2012 to $197,229 in 2013!
One of the things helping home values in Rockford MN has been the lower than normal inventory – just like high school taught us, “supply & demand”. This is also noticeable in the average days on market where they were 200 in 2012 and as of today are 73, a 63.5% improvement.
As far as what you can buy, home values in Rockford MN start from around $100,000 which will typically buy you an older fixer upper (when available) to around $400,000 for some of the newer larger homes in the Hurst Woods type neighborhoods. While the average home value in Rockford is around $200,000 there are plenty of options for those first time home buyers in the mid $100’s as well.
For more information on how the home values in Rockford MN for 2013 are doing call any one of our Rockford Realtors at 612-282-7653 or stop by our Rockford office if you’re ever in the area at 8010 Hwy 55 Rockford MN 55373.
Other Facts about the home values in Rockford MN you may enjoy (as of 6/13/13):
Average days on market 73
Median sales price $185,000
Average sale price $197,229
Sales price compared to asking price – percentage received 96%
Average price per square foot $91.00 (up from $78 in 2012)
New listings up 17.2% from last year (more home that come on though may hurt your sale price so now may be the time to sell if you’re thinking about it)
Contact The Derrick Monroe Group right here if you would like any more information or would like to buy/sell