You can hire the best agent, you can do all your research on pricing, you can even take great photos and make a nice real estate blog about your house but you may have overlooked something very important. I showed a home recently and laying out on the kitchen table were the disclosures for the property which is great, however, the listing agreement and sellers net proceeds were sitting there as well. Now I don’t think for a moment the seller wanted those to be here or that the agent left them out for the world to see but with the hustle and bustle we all deal with in our daily lives make sure you double check what your leaving out for buyers to see. As far as the Internet and MLS goes that’s your agents job, right? Well for the most part yes but I suggest to all my clients and to you, double check it. We are all human and can make a clerical error, not spell something correct or accidentally hit 3 beds rather than 4 beds.
I send all links I put on-line to my sellers so they can not only see what were doing but allow them an opportunity to review it as well. Now I’m not looking for them to do my job but its better to skim something over and catch it sooner than later. My buyers agent was setting up showings yesterday for a home in the Maple Plain area and on the MLS we as agents are allowed to upload the sellers disclosure’s to make it more convenient for buyers which is great. On this specific house she downloaded the disclosures only to discover the agent had accidentally scanned in the listing agreement, the commission agreement and the sellers net proceeds and what they needed for the home as their bottom line – oops:-( It can happen to anyone is my point, make sure you double check your exposure before the buyers know what you really need out of that property. If we can be of help to you in selling or buying feel free to contact us here or call Derrick at 612-282-7653 anytime.