Search for Hennepin County luxury homes with The Derrick Monroe Group, your premier resource for Hennepin County homes. We have numerous mulit-million dollar homes for sale showcased below. Home listings include vacation homes, luxury retreats, lake homes, acreage estates, condos and many more lifestyle options. Each sale listing includes detailed descriptions, photos, amenities and neighborhood information for Hennepin County. Our luxury home agents are available at your convenience by calling 612-282-SOLD or use the contact form at the bottom of this page.
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Luxury & Multi-Million Dollar Hennepin County Homes
Buyers who seek the ultimate in luxury home living in Hennepin County often seek out cities such as Eden Prairie, Edina, Orono and Lake Minnetonka. Our portfolio of luxury Hennepin County homes is large with a wide variety so contact us and we will be glad to help you by making a tailor made pre-selection of properties that meet your requirements.